Runes of Mortality_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Read online
Page 6
“I’m going to find another bar,” I laugh, calling a portal. I’m about to walk through it when Azi grabs me by the back of my jacket and throws me in the air. I see the fire portal seconds before I go flying through it and everything goes black. When I finally open my eyes and shake my head, I sit up and look around for that fucker Azi.
“Nix?” Evie’s soft yet somehow strong voice calls from behind me. I stand up, knowing I’m not sure if I can turn around and see if she is real. Maybe I died in that portal and I’m with her?
“Nix? Look at me,” Evie gently commands, and then a warm hand lightly rests on my arm. I look at the hand and turn slightly, my eyes widening when I see Evie standing next to me. She looks just like I remember her, if not even more stunning. When I see the black wings on her back, I nearly step backwards, but instead I reach a hand out to them. Her eyes close as I stroke a hand down her right wing, loving how soft the feathers feel.
“Evie?” I whisper, placing my hand on her cheek. “How?”
“It’s a long story,” she says with a light chuckle.
“I’m sorry I failed you. I’m so sorry,” I whisper, and she shakes her head, stepping closer and putting both her hands on my cheeks to make me look down into her crystal blue eyes.
“You did not fail me, you couldn’t have known. Now I’m back, and I want my revenge. Will you be at my side?” she asks, and there is silence between us as I remove her hands from my face and step back. She looks heartbroken, misinterpreting my move until I go down on one knee and bow my head.
“Yes. I will fight for you. I will protect you. You have my respect and my life, Evie,” I say, and I look up when I see her hand outstretched for me. I slide my hand into hers and get up off the floor.
“No one in this room needs to bow for me. I’m a thief, assassin, and the very last thing I am is a damn princess. Now have a shower, and we can tune you in to our plan,” she says, holding her hands on her hips, and I nod.
“She means the bat-shit crazy plan that is going to get us all killed,” Trex mutters as he walks to my side and pats my shoulder.
“You know the craziest plans usually work out the best. Or not. Who knows?” Evie says with a shrug. She walks away from us both towards Hali, Connor and Azi in the kitchen. I missed my crazy girl.
“It’s good to have you back, brother,” Trex says, and pats my back a few times before following Evie. I look over at everyone in the kitchen and know this is the family I’ve always wanted. I finally have a chance to save someone, rather than watch them die. I finally have a chance at a life.
“What is the plan then?” Nix asks as he sits down next to me on the sofa, freshly showered and shaved. His long black hair is pushed out of his face, so I can see his light green eyes more clearly. He still looks and feels tired, with massive bags under his eyes, but I know he won’t rest until we tell him the whole plan. We haven’t actually discussed all the plan yet because Trex keeps saying it’s “crazy”.
“I kill Erica and take the throne. Nice and simple,” I reply and Trex groans. I glance over at Hali, who is playing on an iPad and lying on top of Star in the corner. She won’t leave my sight for a while, but she doesn’t need to be involved in this kind of conversation.
“Nothing about that is simple. You can’t just take the throne,” Trex replies as Nix slides his hand into mine, linking our fingers. I don’t pull away from him, which even surprises me. I kinda like his hand in mine, and I know he needs to be close.
“But I can kill Erica?” I ask. Trex looks towards Connor, who sighs and leans forward off the sofa to keep eye contact with me.
“So basically, I trained for a bit to be a keeper. I decided it wasn’t for me, but I know some things that most Protectors don’t. Like the fact a keeper has to acknowledge your birth as a royal before you can claim the throne.”
“So, we kidnap a keeper? I don’t see a problem,” I say, raising an eyebrow, daring them to tell me no. I like kidnapping, it can be super fun. Though I don’t tell them that, I have a feeling they won’t agree. It’s okay, I can train them. I catch Azi’s eye, and I know he is remembering that one time we kidnapped a powerful demon that was killing other demons and draining their magic for fun. We had to take him to another demon who wanted revenge, and we got paid very well for it. It was a fun day. Like a couple’s day or something that humans do.
“Keepers are powerful, extremely so. The only person who can beat them is the queen or king. Or their knights. You get a power boost when you are chosen. The keepers are given extra power when they are chosen,” Connor explains, and I lean back, thinking it over. What the hell are knights? I choose to address the bigger problem first.
“I bet I could still catch one of them,” I muse, and the guys give me a worried look. “I’m good at hunting Protectors, remember? Now let’s say we have a keeper and he acknowledges me, can I then kill Erica and take the throne?”
“You have a one-track mind, Vi,” Azi points out with a long sigh from the other end of the sofa where he is seated on the arm. “Can’t we all find a beach and live out a nice life? Fuck other people.”
“Nope. That bitch stabbed me, not once, but three times. I am going to make her pay for it,” I warn, my voice threatening enough to cause an awkward silence.
“Well if that is how it has to be, then we move onto the next problem…” Connor says and looks uncomfortable.
“Connor means the problem that all the Protectors are fucking batshit scared of you,” Trex points out. I remember how the Protectors ran away into the elevator when they saw me the last time I was there, or the ones that fell on the floor when I said ‘boo’. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
“How do I change that?” I ask, because making friends isn’t a thing I’m good at. I really have no idea why these fuckers seem to like me.
“I have an idea. Rather than just killing Erica, you go against her in the test for the throne in a month?”
“Wait, she isn’t queen yet? What test?” I ask, totally confused.
“The test she killed your other sisters for, to make sure they couldn’t enter,” Nix says gently, carefully almost because he hates to say it out loud. I didn’t know my sisters, but it hurts in my chest when he mentions them and how they died for something so pathetic.
“Explain it?” I ask, clearing my throat.
“There is a test that is offered to all heirs to the throne. It is done over three days, and no one but keepers and royals knows what goes on in it. It can only be done when the power is gathered up or it drains away. The test couldn’t happen last time the power was gathered, therefore she can’t be queen yet and will be waiting. The test itself is a secret, one your mother should have told you,” Trex explains, and I ignore the sharp, raw pain I still feel over knowing who my mother is and how she died. Keeper Cadean’s face flashes into my mind, and I tighten my grip on Nix’s hand in anger. Nix only closes his other hand over ours, offering me more comfort.
“The only good thing is that your mother wouldn’t have had time to tell Erica before she died either,” Connor says, shrugging. “It’s likely why she made sure to kill any other heirs, so that the test isn’t needed, and she would be crowned without it.”
“So, you think I need to hold off on killing her and do it the right way?” I sum up the whole conversation.
“Yes. The Protectors need to learn who you are, not just the rumours and the fear. A little fear is needed to rule, but without the love of the people, you will fail.”
“Remember, they love Erica. They have lost two beloved princesses and do not know what Erica did. No one would believe us if we told them, so instead, we need to make them see you. You are brave, strong, stunning, and every bit of you is the queen we all need. Let them see that as you complete the tests and take your throne,” Trex says, his voice commanding and his words echoing around my mind.
“We do this your way, but when this is over, and I have the crown, Erica is going to die,” I warn t
hem. It isn’t going to be a quick death either. My sister and I need a family chat.
“Agreed. Trust me, I want to help you with that,” Trex growls and looks between the other Protectors. “Now we need a keeper.”
“What about keeper Grey? He came to us and clearly knew shit about Evie’s past,” Nix suggests and looks at me. “He claimed to know who your father was too.”
“I met my father already,” I wave my other hand dismissively, really wanting to avoid this talk.
“How? What did you do when you found out who he was to you?” Nix asks, and all the guys lean in to listen.
“I punched the idiot. Now, I don’t want to talk about it. Where can we find this keeper?” I ask, changing the subject and smiling at the grin on Connor’s face.
“Meeting your father for the first time and you punch him. God, you’re amazing,” he chuckles and so do the other guys as my cheeks go a little red.
“Back to the keeper…” I say, wanting the subject changed as soon as possible.
“We need to break into the Protectors’ city and kidnap him. I have a good idea of a secret way in, but it’s going to be pure luck if we don’t find trouble. I suggest we go tomorrow night as Sunday is their day off to worship in private. Most stay to their rooms, and it is our best chance,” Connor says and we all agree.
“I will go and get the things we need for a kidnap. And some new clothes that are more suitable,” Azi stands up off the sofa and calls a portal. I look down at Connor’s massive shirt and shorts I have changed into. At least it’s a step up from the white dress from Hell.
“I’m coming with you,” Trex states, and no one disagrees with his tone.
“Don’t forget some stuff for me! And some pork steaks for Star, they are her favourite!” Hali shouts over, and Azi laughs as he steps through the portal.
“No problem, kid,” I hear him say, and I watch Trex as he steps into the portal and disappears into flames.
“She looks exhausted,” Connor softly says as he picks up Hali’s tablet off her lap and rests it on the floor next to my feet. I stroke a braid of Hali’s hair away from her face as I slide off the sofa and let her lie down. Connor offers me a red blanket, which I cover her up with before nodding my head towards the back of the house. Azi, Trex and Nix have separated guard duties, and Nix took Star outside with him for a walk. I grab the remote, turning off the Catfish episode we were watching while Hali showed me photos of what she has been doing since I was gone.
“Hali told me she didn’t want to fall asleep in case I left again, but I knew she would eventually drift off,” I whisper, stopping by the row of doors we get to and not having a clue which one I should go into or where I’m going to sleep tonight. I know the bathroom is the middle one, and I’ve seen Hali coming in and out of the far-right door.
“I know what she is feeling,” Connor mumbles under his breath and opens the door next to me. “This is going to sound like a shit pick up line, but do you want to sleep in my bed tonight? I’m not asking for anything other than being near you.” His soft-spoken words make my heart pound in my chest as I stare up at him. I don’t do romance, but this is Connor, the Protector who seems dead set on charming his way into my heart. I can’t help but run my eyes over him and feel like he must have spent time working out as his arms and chest seem bigger than I remember. His snug blue shirt showcases his body, making me feel like I need to run my hands all over him. When I make my way past his chiselled jawline and his killer smile to his gold eyes, we seem to just lock into this moment that neither one of us wants to break.
“Only if you don’t mind the fact I talk in my sleep,” I joke, trying to break the tension between us that I really don’t know how to deal with. Give me any weapon, any opponent, and I will work it out, but feelings? No, I don’t get how to deal with those, and they scare the crap out of me. Hali scares me, and she always did. I worried when I got close to her that I might lose her, and it made me as overprotective as I am now.
“Oh, I already know you do,” he says, and thankfully walks in the room. I follow after him, shutting the door behind me as he turns on a small bedside lamp. The light reveals a small double bed with black sheets and a wardrobe. There isn’t anything else in here, and the small room just adds to the tension between us as we end up staring at each other again. Thankfully he carries on his earlier sentence. “When we were in Hell, you talked for ten minutes straight about bacon when you were sleeping one night. You even made Trex smile.”
“Bacon is life,” I shrug, and he flashes me an amused grin.
“One day, I hope you look at me the way you do bacon,” he remarks, and I don’t move as he walks over to me and gently lifts my hand up to his lips. Connor places a sweet kiss on the back of my hand, the brief brush of his lips sending goose bumps through me.
“Connor,” I warn.
“We don’t know each other well, and there is a lot going on. I know that you don’t let people get close to you, and it isn’t going to be easy to get you to trust me. I wish I could take you on a date, make you fall for me that way. Or in bed. One or the other, but either way, you would be mine. I can’t do that right now, but damn I need you to know you’re what I want,” he tells me, each sentence seeming to somehow break down whatever barrier I have put up between him and me.
“I don’t really know how to do relationships. My only one ended with me sending him to Hell, and to be honest, you scare me.” Connor steps back as he drops my hand, visual pain etching over his features. I step closer to him, placing my hand on his chest and feeling his fast beating heart under my palm. I know he needs me close. “You scare me because you make me feel something, and you’re right, we don’t know each other that well. I keep people away to keep myself safe, and because it is all I’ve ever known.”
“Let’s change that then. I’m not giving up on you, Blue. I know everything is complicated, and it will only get worse in the Protectors. They will never allow me to be with you because of who my father is and they think I’m trash. If they accept you as a royal, this will have to be a secret for your sake, but I don’t care. I can’t give up on us for anything, I think we could have something amazing,” Connor suggests and steps away, rubbing his jaw as I try to process his statement. I watch in fascination as he pulls his boots, socks and shirt off. I end up staring like a love-sick puppy at the ‘v’ dip that looks lickable and all the way up to his sculpted chest. I spot his rune name marked across his heart, and I know why he took his shirt off.
“Come and read it. Please, Blue,” Connor asks carefully, and I stare speechless. Even I know showing someone your rune name means they can always find you. It gives them control over you, and it is meant to be a very private thing. I never cared about leaving my rune mark on my enemies’ bodies for protectors to find, because I knew that’s how they always found me anyway.
“I can’t,” I whisper, not wanting to reject him.
“I trust you completely, Evie. I want you to know,” he insists, and I blow out a breath, nodding in agreement. I slowly walk over to him, each step making the room feel like it is drowning me in the tension between us. When I’m close enough, I trace my fingers across the symbols, and feel his warm breath moving my hair as he looks down at me. Symbols mean nothing more than drawings to me as I can’t read them.
“No, I mean I can’t read runes. My friend tried to get me a runes book once, but Protectors found the copy and took it before she could buy it from the trader. It’s impossible to learn when you’re not brought up with them,” I say. This is why I know so little of Protectors, why no one knows much about them. Everything is kept in the dark, and it makes it impossible for me to learn their ways. Like reading their language, for example.
“Well, I know what book I’m stealing from the Protectors when I’m there next. For now, let me whisper it to you,” he says and reaches out, pushing my hair over my shoulder. His arm sneaks around my waist, pulling my body against his, and his lips rest nea
r my ear. My hands land on his bare chest, feeling the smooth, warm skin. I must not lick him no matter how much his chest seems to ask for it.
“If you tell me yours, will you read mine? I’ve never known…” I drift off, because it’s hard to admit it and ask him to tell me something so private.
“Yes,” he agrees. “But first you need to know mine. My rune name is Uruz. It means I will have strength and speed.” I smile, knowing his rune name is clearly right and must have a similar power as witches’ marks.
“Thank you,” I whisper back, my voice drifting off at the end. He moves away only slightly to look down at me, his lips pulled up in a happy smile.
“Where is your rune name?” he asks, his voice a little gravellier than before, and I damn well like it.
“On my lower back,” I say and turn around. I keep still as he pushes my tank shirt up, revealing my rune name that is written near my bum. His fingers gently trace the symbols, the simple touch sending shivers of pleasure through me. I know I need to get laid, because this reaction to his simple touches is not cool. I almost sigh in relief as he lets my top fall back down. Connor walks around me and rests his hands on my shoulders, his thumbs rubbing comforting circles. Oh god, more sexy-ass touching.
“Your rune name is Ashkin. It means strength, loyalty, passion and leadership,” he says, and looks overly happy and somewhat shocked about this.
“Why do you look so shocked?” I ask.
“I can’t tell you why, but you will know soon. Some things are out of our control, I just didn’t know it until I saw your rune name,” Connor says, a hidden smile on his lips as he lets me go and gets into the bed like he didn’t just say something confusing and weird.
“I like to sleep on the left. It’s really something I’m not willing to budge on,” he eventually decides to inform me, and I chuckle.
“Even for me?” I tease, and he doesn’t answer as I kick my boots off and remove my leggings and bra before getting into the bed with him. Connor pulls me towards him, pressing our bodies together as my head naturally rests on his chest.