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Run Little Bear (The Forest Pack Series Book 2) Read online

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  "We can’t have someone dangerous in the pack while you are pregnant, Harper. Pregnancy is so rare, so special, and we all have to be on guard in case something goes wrong. We do not have the time to watch a dangerous rogue who is being hunted by the royal family," Nikoli says. I try not to sigh as Harper growls at him, sliding off his lap, and taking the phone with her. She gets so angry that she forgets I’m here as she holds the phone down, and I get a upside down picture of Colton who looks ready to break Harper and Nikoli apart. Poor dude.

  "I'm pregnant, not dying! I am not letting Gold be stuck with the bears if she doesn't want to be there!" Harper exclaims, growling louder.

  "Harper! Harper!" I shout to get her attention, and she lifts the phone, so I can see her face again.

  "I want to be here. I've avoided them all for too long, and I want to know if there is a chance for something. A chance to be happy. They are a good pack, with good alphas, and I'm not far from you if you need me," I say, and she nods sadly before tears start streaming down her cheeks. Nikoli takes the phone from her, pulling her to his chest, and I see Colton stroking her back.

  "I-I'm sorry. I get a little emotional at the moment, and I'm going to miss the hell out of you," Harper explains, and I smile at her when she finally looks at me as Nikoli kisses the top of her head.

  "I will miss you too, but I will be coming back to see you," I tell her, and she shakily nods.

  "I need to talk with Gold alone, will you go with Colton to get a drink?" he asks, and she kisses his cheek before turning to me.

  "You best not disappear with those bears, or I'm going on a bear hunt. You can tell them that," she says firmly, a determined glare in her eyes.

  "I will tell them, now go and rest. Being four months pregnant as a wolf isn't easy," I demand, and she smiles, looking down at her stomach.

  "Tell me about it. Thank god I've stopped being sick eight times a day now, but I can't shift anymore, and it makes me feel, well, not good. But yesterday I felt the baby move, and it was amazing,"

  "Ask Snow what she did to feel better, she would know best, and congratulations. I imagine that is the best feeling in the world,” I say, and she nods.

  "Better when my mates can feel the movements too and I will do that. Snow has been amazing with advice so far," she says with a sad smile. "Is Erik still with you?" she asks, and I try not to let the sigh slip from my lips. I knew he wouldn’t go back to Snow when he damn well should have. I swear, I am going to have to drag my brother by his ear back to his mate at this rate. I understood at the start when he struggled with everything. I even understood when he threw himself into hunting and wouldn’t talk to anyone…but now. Now, he could lose his mate to his best friend, and he won’t even fight for her. I know he loves Snow, and I know he loves Arisa…I just wish he could get past his grief.

  "He was meant to come back to see Snow and Arisa. Maybe he is still on his way. I did take the car, and I drove pretty quick to get here," I explain, trying to make my brother sound better than the asshole he is and not wanting to admit how annoyed I am with him. Well, he is mostly an asshole, but there is something good in him. It has just been lost for a long damn time. I know Snow and Arisa are the only way to get that part of him back, but he fights them every step of the way.

  "Okay, I will tell Snow," she replies and stares straight into my eyes. "If there is any problem, anything, come to us. You are like a sister to me, and even if you aren't in my pack, we are here for you,” she says firmly, being the protective alpha female she has grown into. I don’t see much of the young woman we saved from a rogue attack anymore. Someone who was lost and didn’t have any family. This Harper, she is the alpha female of the Forest Pack. One look at her, and you know she belongs here.

  "Got it," I smile tightly, and she walks out of the camera as Nikoli turns it on himself. I see him smile at Harper and Colton, and hear the sound of the door shutting a few moments later.

  "What did the rogue do? How dangerous is he? Have the bears locked him up?" he asks each question like a demand. I know it comes from his need to protect me as I'm still pack to him in his eyes. Nikoli is a good man, I've always known that, and Harper has made him so much better at dealing with his anger and his serious nature.

  "I don't know yet. I haven't had time to read his file, but that's my next plan. I don't think he is dangerous to me, or to the bears. I feel like he is good, but I've been wrong in the past, so I am holding off on judgement until I've learnt more about the situation. And yes, Cain has locked him up, and we will talk to him tomorrow," I say, and he nods, rubbing the little stumble on his chin.

  "What is his name? I can ask around. I know people that would give me answers without talking," he asks, and I think about it for a second. I should learn his name so Nikoli can look into him. I could even ask a few old friends for some answers.

  "He hasn't told me his name yet. But I will text it to you when I've read the file," I say.

  "I don't like this. The Royals sent you after a wolf that isn't a rogue at all, and they told you that he was lost," he says, shaking his head.

  "I don't like it either. Something is wrong, I can feel it," I admit. This whole thing just doesn’t feel right to me.

  "I want to be kept updated, and what Harper said is true. I will come for you if you need us," he promises. "You may be leaving our pack and joining the bears, but you are always part of the Forest Pack, Gold."

  "Thank you Nikoli," I choke out, trying to hold back the emotion I'm feeling. I can’t cry in front of Nikoli, it would just make him super uncomfortable.

  "Don't thank me. I wish I could have you here where I know you're safe. I trust the bears, but I will call them now and make sure they know where the Forest Pack stands on you," he says, and I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

  "Tell Snow and Arisa I will call them tomorrow if you could," I ask, and he nods.

  "Of course, and good luck Gold," he says and pauses. "I've known the both bears and you for a long time. I think they could make you very happy if you gave them a chance."

  "Trusting people isn't my strong suit and neither is being happy," I admit.

  "I know that, and they will have to earn it. Lucky all bears are stubborn bastards, isn't it?" he says, making me laugh with him. "Bye Gold. Call if you need me."

  "Bye," I say, closing the laptop and leaning back against the pillows. I stare at the newly painted ceiling before closing my eyes. Could the bears make me happy?

  I rest my head against the cold tiles of the shower as the hot water slams down on me. The shower gives me those few moments alone I need to think straight about everything that has happened over the last two days. How has it only been two days? Sometimes life just overwhelms me, and my usual response is to avoid or run away from the issue, but I know I can’t do that right now. Well, I could run, but I know I wouldn't forgive myself if I did. Over the years, I learnt that being at peace with yourself is so much more important than anything else in the world. I pick up the shampoo bottle off the shelf in the shower, opening it and smelling the lemon scent coming from it. This is why Cain smells like lemons. I shrug and wash my hair with it, knowing I need to pick up my own shampoo from a shop soon. I can just order it online, and all the other things I will need, and get Snow to pack my things to send here. I use the mint smelling soap to clean myself before turning the shower off and getting out a few moments later. I wrap myself in one of the fresh towels on the side and wring my wet hair out in the sink before running my fingers through it. Luckily, I have some coconut oil in my bag that I can run through my hair, so it doesn't turn into a curly, frizzy mess when it dries. There is nothing worse than frizzy, curly hair that looks like you could bounce right off it. I step out the bathroom, bumping head-first into someone, and we both fall to the floor as we slip. I land on top of the man I smell is a bear before I even open my eyes and see dark green ones staring back at me. I freeze as I stare into his eyes and feel his hands on my hips. My legs are straddl
ing one of his, and every part of our bodies are pressed so closely together. I can feel his hard stomach, chest and I’m pretty sure my towel is loose enough that he can feel me too. I’m too shocked by how attracted I am to his bear to even speak, to even move. I just stare. Like an absolute crazy person.

  "They told me you were here. I'm Chase, in case my brothers didn't tell you my name," he says in a /indifferent tone that still somehow sounds completely seductive in his gravelly voice. He grabs my hips through the towel, lifting me to my feet in one quick move as he stands up himself. Chase, my other mate.

  "Thanks," I say, and he just walks around me to the last room next to mine, opening the door and slamming it shut behind him. What the hell is his problem?

  "Bye, then!" I shout, knowing the bastard can hear me. I go back to my room and slam my own door just to make a point. I drop my towel once the door is shut and go to my bag, picking out my black Active-wear outfit I love. I pull the leggings and top on, which both have lace down their sides. The top has a built-in bra so I don't even have to wear one, not that I have much boobs to worry about. I rub coconut oil on my hands and smooth it through my hair as I walk to the full-length mirror that is, oddly, on the back of the door. When my hair looks half decent, and I give myself I once over for courage, I go back to my bag and pull out the file on my rogue. I stare at it for a second, not knowing whether I want to open it or not.

  "Gold," Callum's voice comes through the door as he knocks twice. "Our mother has made us all dinner, and she would love if you wanted to come and meet her."

  I put the file back in the bag and run to the door, swinging it open to see Callum stood with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, a big grin forming on his lips when he sees me. He looks amazing, with his brown hair combed to the one side, showing off his green eyes that I know I could look into for a long time and not move. I run my eyes over his black jeans, heavy looking black boots, and back up to the off-white shirt stretched across his massive chest. It has a slight dip in the middle, so I can see a little chest hair, and I have to stop myself from reaching out to touch him. I try to think back to when I last had sex, or was even kissed, and I honestly can’t remember. I think it’s been over twenty years. I guess time just passes quicker than we realise, and I have been so busy with work. Plus, it’s always dangerous to date supernaturals when they could just find their mate, and dating humans means you have to either watch them die or you turn them, which most don’t want to be turned. I learnt that the hard way once, and I've never dated a human since.

  "Your mother?" I ask, wondering about their family, and knowing I have to meet them makes me feel a little anxious now.

  "Oh yeah, our mother and baby brother live in the third house. I'm sorry, we should have explained that earlier. So, do you want to come?" he asks, looking tense now.

  "Sure, though I will admit I'm a little nervous," I tell him as I step out and shut my door behind me. Callum takes my hand in his, linking our fingers, and I look up at him in question.

  "I like to be close to you, is hand holding really that bad?" he asks, and when he words it like that, and his hand feels so nice in mine, I can't really argue with him. I just shrug and let him lead me down the hallway and to the stairs.

  "Tomorrow, can I take you out for the day?" Callum suddenly asks.

  "Like a date?" I ask.

  "Nope, not a date. I wanted to show you where we all work and see if you are interested in helping out. Tomorrow is my day to run it as we take it in turns, but all of the pack works there throughout the month between their own local jobs," he explains.

  "I feel like this is a date, without it actually being a date. You are pretty smart in how you asked, well played. But, yes, I want to come," I say, and he laughs.

  "Figuring me out already? I like it," he says, making me laugh. He bumps my shoulder a little, and it makes me realise how small I am compared to him. I could literally climb him like a tree, and I weirdly like the idea.

  "Tell me something completely random about yourself," I ask as we walk through the entrance hall, and he opens the front door for us to step out.

  "I collect coins," he tells me, and I give him a slightly surprised look.

  "Coins?" I ask.

  "Yep. I can show you them sometime, but it might bore you. It does most people," he says, and I can hear the slight worry in his voice. Is he really that scared I will get bored and leave or something?

  "I'm interested to be honest. I used to know a human who collected stamps. There were hundreds of them he had found over twenty years, and his favourite was one that was printed wrong, damaged in a way," I say, remembering Harry. Harry was a lovely human, one that knew what I was and didn’t judge me. He was just my friend, one who didn’t like to leave the house and had a few issues. Harry never married, never really made friends, and didn’t have anyone except for me and Erik. It was such a shame as he was such a good man. He gave us his stamp collection to hold onto and asked us to sell when it was worth something. He requested the money be given to children with no families, and we donated the millions we made on the stamps to just that. It is the only way we had to honour his memory, and now there is a foster house named after Harry. We were there when he died, which still hurts to think of, and it wasn’t long after that we found the Forest Pack.

  "I have three coins like that. I believe the unusual, the rare, and what people often describe as wrong are the most brilliant things of them all," he says, making me pause to look up at him because I didn't expect such a heartfelt thing for him to say. There might be far more to the playful bear than I first thought, and it feels so odd to feel so close to him already. These bears are chipping away at my plan of not mating with them really quick.

  "Now, where is your hug for your future mother in law?" I hear a woman ask, and I turn away from Callum to see a woman step out of the third house, walking over to us. She has beautiful, long blonde hair that is going a little grey at the roots, and it is plaited down her back. Her pale green eyes lock with mine before she visibly looks me over and smiles widely. I'm pulled away from Callum and straight into a hug when she gets to me.

  "I see where Callum gets the introductory bear hugs from," I say, and she pulls away, smiling at me still.

  "You'll find Callum is a lot more like me than my other sons. They all have their father's serious nature," she winks at me and hooks her arm through mine, leading me towards her house like we are best friends already. I don’t stop her, knowing I need to get used to her affectionate and friendly disposition.

  "What's your name?" I ask her, glancing at my other side as Callum steps close to me.

  "Betty Bearlay, lovely to meet you Gold Forest," and she smiles at me. "Well, it will soon be Gold Bearlay, won't it? As you are joining our pack."

  "I guess it will," I say, unable to hold back the twinge of sadness at leaving my pack behind, my family.

  "It's okay to be sad. Moving packs is always hard on anyone, but going from wolves like yourself to a pack of bears...well, your wolf is bound to be upset," she says, understanding on some level how I feel.

  "Not just my wolf is a little upset. They are my family, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be here," I say, looking up at Callum as I speak because it is him that I want to understand that. I will miss my pack, but I’m coming to realise finding a mate is so powerful and full of magic. Magic that is meant to lead us where we need to be. I have three mates in this pack, and I would be stupid to continue to ignore a sign like this. Destiny, fate, and whatever magic it is that leads us to our mates, wants me here. I have to give this place a chance, see if it could be everything I've been searching for.

  "We won't ever stop you from going to see them. We aren't that kind of pack," Callum says, placing his hand on my arm for only a second. He steps in front of us, opening the front door to the house, and we walk in. Betty's house is much more homey, with cream carpets, pale blue walls, and various wooden furniture around the room. Betty leads us to the door on the lef
t, which is a massive kitchen/diner, and Chase is sat at the table with a beer in his hand. I notice his hand visibly tightens on the beer when he sees me next to his mother. I look away from him to the room, loving the warm, comfortable feel to it. There are two, tall lampshades lighting the room, and the wooden cabinets have lights underneath them. Modern appliances complete the kitchen, and the dining table is made of glass, with wooden chairs with white fabric covers on the seats. Callum pulls a seat out for me, right next to Chase who doesn't look even a little bit impressed at his brother’s choice of seating. I walk over, sitting down just to annoy Chase, and Callum takes the spare seat next to me. Chase's eyes catch mine for a moment as he lifts his beer and takes a long drink, and I find my eyes tracing the little bead of water that drops off the ice-cold bottle and drips down his chin to his neck.

  "Would you like a drink while we wait for the others, Gold?" Betty asks me, and I turn away from Chase's damn sexy face to his mother, who looks highly amused as she looks between me and her son. "We have beer, wine, apple cider or whiskey."

  "I'd love an apple cider, please," I answer.

  “Brilliant, do you want a beer Callum?” she asks him, he nods, and she walks off with a happy grin.

  "You haven't run yet, then?" his deep, seductive voice asks. His voice is made for whispering sexy things to you and making your panties drop. I'm not sure if I hate his voice or want to listen to him talk more. It's about fifty-fifty.

  "Who said I would run?" I ask.

  "Don't be a dick Chase," Callum warns his brother who briefly looks at him before leaning back in his chair, grinning.

  "You're a runner. I can see it. You won't stick around. You don't want mates or anything that means you could get hurt. You're a coward, and you will run," he states, and I turn to fully face him, lifting my hand and slapping him hard across the face without even thinking about it. I can't believe he just said that, and he is so wrong. I am no coward, and I will not run. I have already made my mind up about that. It seems Chase Bearlay has a lot to learn. He looks back at me, grinning even as blood drips down his lip where my silver ring must have caught him. There's a tense silence in the room as we just stare at each other, and I hate the tiny smirk that gives me like he just won something. I go to slap him again and he grabs my hand, lifting it to his lips and kisses the back quickly.


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