Dark Soul Read online

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  I wait silently as the door is locked before looking back at the wall, flinching from the pain I’d pretended was gone for a moment. I part my lips to say something, anything, when there is a beeping noise that makes me go quiet instead and worry about what the hell that noise was. The wall next to my bed slides forward and rotates to the side in one slow movement. Maxx quickly walks in, his eyes widening in what I can only assume is horror as he sees my back before he looks up at me. Maxx looks a mess, a hot one, but it is clear he hasn’t showered or cleaned up since the fight. His blue eyes stare at mine for a moment, both of us feeling a little clueless what to say to each other now we are face to face.

  “I have to give it to you, Freckles, you are one strong person to sit up and talk when you must be in a lot of pain,” he says, his stare going back and forth from my eyes to the burns. I chuckle a little, regretting it when the movement hurts my back, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself crying out. Maxx is next to me in a moment, sitting on the bed with his hand inches away from reaching out for me like he desperately wants to comfort me, but we both know he can’t touch me without making this whole situation worse. I shake my head, meeting his blue eyes once again and feeling myself getting lost in the swirling blue and black colours inside of them.

  “Don’t, okay? Don’t heal me like I know you want to,” I warn him, running my eyes over his messy hair and stressed out features. He is covered in dust and dirt from the fight, I assume, and it only makes him look more attractive. “They want you to heal me. That’s why they brought you in here, and I won’t let them use you like that.”

  “They won’t use me for anything, but I’m not going to let you suffer for their games, Freckles. You need me,” he says gently. “I need you to be okay, so I can get us both out of here and back to our clan.”

  “Our?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, Freckles. Ours,” he replies, and I’m so shocked by his sweet nature, which is so opposite of the asshole behaviour I’m used to from Maxx, that I don’t see him place his glowing blue hand on the middle of my back. I expect there to be pain from the touch, I brace myself for it on instinct, but instead, there is nothing but warmth and a soothing light just before I start to feel something else: the need to drain him, as I am getting used to calling it in my mind now. I gasp when I see my hands glowing as pink as my hair, and I only look away when I see how brightly Maxx is glowing blue. His hair and eyes are the brightest, glowing of all of him, which I have never noticed before. Maxx leans over, placing his hand on my cheek as I feel him heal me, and I know I am draining him because of how tired he is suddenly looking.

  “Stop now, I can’t,” I beg him, knowing that I am feeling better, and I don’t want to hurt Maxx.

  “A little more. Sleep, Freckles. I will be here when you wake up.” Even though I don’t want to do as he asks, I can’t fight it. My eyes close before I can think of anything other than Maxx’s touch.

  Chapter 3


  “Hey, Freckles, you need to wake up,” Maxx’s voice gently coaxes me from my sleep, and I blink my eyes open to see my head is resting on his topless, very firm and warm chest. The rest of me is lying next to his side, pressed closely to him. I glance at my hand, which is resting over where his heart is, and I can hear the fast beating under my palm as well as how hot his skin is. It’s like cuddling a hot water bottle. Though this is Maxx, and we can’t touch, not like this. I should be draining him, but no part of me wants to do that. I just want to stay where I am, which is comfy, and pretend this is all normal.

  “Why am I not hurting you?” I whisper, completely confused, and Maxx looks just as confused as I do, as he stares at my hand and reaches over, tracing his fingers from the top of my fingers, up my arm, and finally to my shoulder where he brushes some of my pink hair over it. Maxx looks at me in utter shock as he runs his hands through my hair, running his thumb over my jaw and making me shiver from the contact. Maxx looks over my head and when he meets my eyes again, he has some kind of understanding in his eyes that I don’t.

  I glance to my right to see we are lying on clouds like when I have my dreams alone, and the sky is full of bright pink and blue stars, but this time they are swirling around each other. The sight is stunning and breathtaking in its beauty. I can only stare for a long time, just wondering why the stars are moving now. Why the pink and blue stars circle each other, looking like they are long lost lovers who have finally found each other.

  “You can dream gaze?” Maxx asks, sounding shocked and in awe, his deep and husky voice snapping me into the remembrance that this is really Maxx, and I’m cuddling him like we are a couple or something. I prop myself up on my elbow, looking down at Maxx’s shirt that I am wearing in this strange place and wondering how I got that on. I still have my jeans on, which are just as muddy as the shirt, but they will do.

  “What is dream gazing?” I question first, and Maxx goes to answer when someone else does instead.

  “The way the true light can be together alone until they bond.” I glance over at the pink haze of a woman who is always in my dreams as she speaks. Next to her side is a blue shadow of a man, who is a little taller than the woman in height. They are stood, well floating, extremely close to one another. Close enough that the glow they give off mixes with each other to make a purple colour.

  “True light?” I question, glancing at Maxx to see him staring, so I know he must see them as well.

  “We are the true light as much as you are,” the man says this time. That doesn’t exactly help answer anything. “We will leave you alone for now.” Neither Maxx nor I get to reply as they fade away into blue and pink dust, swirling around each other as they float away.

  “Maxx, do you want to explain anything? I’m confused,” I ask, hoping that he will have more answers than I can come up with.

  “I don’t know what the shadow peeps are going on about, but I’ve always called this dream gazing. I’ve been able to do it since a child, and the blue shadow man has always been there. I’ve never seen the pink shadow woman or pink stars in the sky, for that matter. How long have you been able to do this?” he asks me, surprising me by picking up my hand and holding it close. I stare for way too long at our joined hands, just as Maxx does too. We can touch here. There is no deadly price for our stolen moments. Maxx realises it around the same time I do, and his eyes widen in shock.

  “I-I’ve only had two of these dreams. The first one was when I was sleeping in your bed,” I explain trying to distract him a little, and he thinks on it for a moment, picking up on my need not to talk about the fact we can be close here.

  “It must have been when Austin took you. He has push started your abilities that your human side has kept hidden,” Maxx replies.

  “That makes a lot of sense. This could be a really good thing. I know they will separate us soon, but at least we can come here in our dreams and talk about what is going on,” I reply.

  “You’re right. I can make sure you’re safe even if I can’t follow you right now,” he tells me.

  “What do you think they want with me? Austin said something about me being promised to him before. My mother was outside my house, and she looked sick, so what the man said might be true. They have her, and I just don’t understand any of it,” I start rambling and Maxx pulls me down into his arms, resting my head in the crook of his neck, and my arms tighten around his back. Even though I know it’s not real, it’s just a dream we share, it feels like everything is meant to be this way.

  “Whatever is going on, I will be here for you. Freckles, you are strong enough to deal with this,” he smoothly replies, and if there is any doubt he doesn’t believe in what he is saying, I can’t hear it. “I don’t know what they want with you, but whatever you do, don’t trust them.”

  “I don’t trust them. The way that man spoke of Austin hurting me, it was so fake. He didn’t care, he just wanted me to believe he does,” I explain, thinking back to the creepy white-haired dude. “Anyways, I thoug
ht you didn’t like me, so you don’t have to make me feel better.”

  “I’m a good liar and good at being a dick instead of facing up to my feelings. I’m sorry for a lot of shit I did, Freckles. Even if I only get these dreams where I can hold you, be near you, then it’s enough for me.”

  I lift my head at his words, staring at him for a moment as I believe every single word he said. Though I’m pretty sure most guys aren’t good at admitting their feelings. It’s like a design fault by god or something.

  “We can’t live in dreams forever. One day we have to admit that we will destroy each other outside of here,” I whisper.

  “I beg to differ. If I have my way, we will have these dreams forever.” His words are so sweet and honest that I feel my cheeks burn as I lay my head back down on his shoulder. Neither of us speaks for a long time, we just lie here, holding each other and pretending like the world isn’t going to shit. Like we don’t have responsibilities or family that need us. I yawn as I suddenly feel tired and everything turns hazy.

  “I keep falling asleep,” I whisper.

  “Healing does make us both tired,” he explains to me.

  “Thank you for fixing my back. Do I have a new blue swirly mark?” I ask.

  “Swirly mark? Is that what you call my artwork?” he asks back, laughing which sends shivers through me that he no doubt can feel as we are so close.

  “What’s your name for them then?” I ask.

  “Works of perfection, of course,” he smoothly replies, and I chuckle into his neck, loving how even in dreams I smell Maxx’s sandalwood scent and feel the warmth coming from his body.

  “Ah, I should have guessed.”

  “There is a tree ‘swirly mark’ all up your back,” he tells me, his hand resting on my back over my shirt. “What Austin did was dangerous, he could have killed you.”

  “I think part of him wanted to. He said some weird stuff about teaching me how to use my dark soul, and he didn’t like that I wasn’t interested in what he was saying,” I say, leaving out how I was so horrified by Abby’s death that nothing was processing anyway. I still remember her lying there, so still. So scared.

  “Whatever happens, remember you may have a dark soul, but that does not make you evil. Landon is dark and still the nicest person in the damn world,” he replies, lifting my head with his hand so his eyes meet mine as we both sit up. He looks at me like he can see straight into my soul and capture my heart while he is there. I feel like there is nothing between us when he holds me like this, when he looks at me the way he does. “I know you, Aura Scott, and nothing anyone could do would change how pure, smart and amazing you are. We will fight our way out of this, and I promise you will have a good life. We just need to survive this, Freckles.”

  “Sometimes you’re really charming, you know that?” I whisper, feeling myself drifting off to sleep once again.

  “Only for you.”

  Chapter 4


  I stretch out as I wake up and open my eyes, seeing Maxx sitting with his back on the door, his head bowed as he sleeps with his shirt missing. I run my eyes over his tanned chest, feeling like a right stalker when I struggle to pull my gaze from his firm muscular chest and arms to look around. I suddenly remember my back and sit up quickly, reaching a hand behind my back and feeling it’s healed. I look down at Maxx’s shirt I’ve gotten on, and the half burnt one is on the floor. I glance at myself in the mirror, noticing how I don’t look as pale, but I’m still a little messy and my jeans are dirty with mud.

  “Maxx?” I whisper his name as I slide off the bed, my shoes missing and my feet touching the cold white-tiled floor. Maxx looks up as I get to him, stretching his arms above his head before standing up. Maxx face looks pale, but I know he wouldn’t want me to comment on it.

  “How is your back?” he asks me, tilting his head to the side. I turn around and move my hair around to my left shoulder, holding it there.

  “Will you look?” I ask him.

  “Yeah,” he says after clearing his throat, and I sense him step closer without hearing his footsteps. He carefully lifts the back of his shirt off me, and there is silence for a moment that feels like it stretches out for an eternity. “You look good. I mean the swirly marks do,” he replies, being overly sarcastic about the swirly marks.

  “Whatever, Mr. Charming,” I say as he lets go of my shirt, and I turn around to face him.

  “We should keep quiet about the swirly marks. It’s best no one knows how much of a geek you are,” he says, smirking, and his eyes drift over my shoulder. I follow his gaze, seeing a blinking red light in the corner of my room, and I get what he means. He doesn’t want them to know about the dreams.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I’m a geek or something,” I reply, and he just laughs, which is way too sexy for his own good.

  Maxx suddenly moves in front of me, and only a second later, I hear the key turning in the door before it swings open. I briefly wonder how he heard that when I didn’t, but the sight of a man holding a gun at Maxx distracts me completely. Maxx roars and falls to his knees in front of me, holding his stomach. I reach for him just as he tries to get back up, but another dart is shot into his neck. I fall to his side just as he passes out, his head smacking against the floor as I couldn’t catch him. I feel helpless to do anything as three men come into the room, holding guns, and drag Maxx back into where he came from earlier. I wish I knew how to use those bloody powers I have, but at least Maxx isn’t hurt or dead. He will wake I’m sure.

  The secret door to Max’s room slides back into place as the men with guns walk out of my door, leaving it open. I stare at the open door for a long time before concluding that I need to walk out there to find out any answers. Maxx can’t help me right now, so I need to be the strong one for us both. I need to find out answers—like where Landon is or even Iris—to stop Maxx and me worrying. I keep my head high as I walk out of the room and into the long corridor outside with dozens of white doors on the one side and dim wall lights on the other.

  “My promised, how are you feeling?” Austin’s cocky voice taunts behind me, and I twirl, seeing him leaning against the wall between two wall lights. They reflect a warm glow onto his face, making him seem creepier as I look away from his leering grin to meet his cold eyes. Austin is all dressed up with a white, wrinkle free shirt on and black trousers which he has his hands tucked into the pockets of in a casual pose. His hair is gelled perfectly to the side, and there isn’t a mark on him. In fact, he is glowing slightly, and the more I stare at him, I realise the glow has a green tint to it from the light he drained from Abby.

  “I am not your promised. The only promise I will make to you is to stab you the first chance I get, you complete asshole,” I shout, curling my hands into fists and feeling so desperately the urge to punch him. Though I know it would be pointless. My back is a clear example of how powerful he is compared to me, and I don’t stand a chance at the moment. Though I’m not giving up.

  “Why stab me? That is such a human response. You are so much more powerful than a mere human,” he replies smoothly, shaking his head like he is disappointed in my answer. I’m sure if I revealed I was thinking more along the lines of stabbing his crown jewels, he wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss my threat.

  “What do you want?” I ask, cutting straight to the point and not wanting to play these games any longer with him. Every second I’m around him, my skin itches, and I want to get back to see if Maxx is okay. I want to get away from Austin. This lunatic is dangerous as hell.

  “Come with me. It’s about time we started our training. I did promise your soulmate I would train you,” he says, chuckling to himself like it’s a funny joke when it is not. “Though I doubt light up boy will be happy about our time together now.”

  “I don’t want you to train me, and I won’t do anything you want. You might as well let me go,” I snap, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

  “I’m not giving you a choice
, Aura. If you don’t train with me, then I will repeat what I did to you before to teach you a lesson, and it will be more painful. I won’t let your light up boy heal you either,” he says coldly, his whole face dropping into one of annoyance. “You are no use to us if you cannot use those powers of yours. If you are no use to us, then neither is he. We will kill you both.”

  “Fine.” I growl out, knowing I don’t have a choice here when he threatens Maxx. He is in charge…for now. I can deal with the idea of him hurting me again but not Maxx or anyone else, and Austin knows it. I can see it in his evil gaze. I will train how to use my powers so I can use them against him somehow; that is the only plan I have left. Austin smirks before turning around and walking down the corridor without a word. I jog a little to catch up with him, but I keep a footstep behind him at all times, just in case. I don’t trust this asshole as far as I can throw him.

  The corridor has double doors at the end, and Austin places his hand against a scanner on the wall, which beeps and the doors open. I follow him through them into a small room with metal stairs which we walk up. I count three floors before we get to the top of them and to another pair of doors with the same kind of lock on them. Escaping this place isn’t going to be easy. Once Austin opens these doors, he leads us into a corridor, and this time, it has floor to ceiling windows, showcasing snow-covered mountains. It looks like we are on the top of one too. The view is stunning, and I suddenly realise I have no idea where we are. I don’t recognise anything outside that window.

  “Where are we?” I ask Austin, who has stopped to look at me staring out the window, his arms crossed tightly.

  “Russia. It is the securest facility on Earth now, and we prepare for the war here,” he replies before carrying on walking, never stopping his giant strides as I jog again to catch up with him.


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