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Winter's Promise (Her Guardians Series Book 3) Page 15

  "I offer you this for a single promise. I swear to send five thousand of my fray army to your world. They will carry four weapons each, and you may keep three of each of their weapons for your own men and women. When the war is won, they will all leave and not come back,” she says.

  "How will they get here?" I ask.

  "The war will happen on the Winter solstice, we can travel through the dimensions on that day only. The earth is weak on that day, and that's why the demon king needs to use it."

  "What will you ask in return?" I ask her, I cross my arms, and she smiles.

  "In your world, there is a half-fray child. I wish for you to send her to me when you meet her," she smiles.

  "How do you know I will?" I ask.

  "Your mother told me," she says, and I look away. I don’t know why it bothers me that she had such a good relationship with my mother. I guess I could almost be jealous that I didn’t get that time with her.

  "How would I send the child back?" I ask.

  "When you make the promise, you will only have to touch her, and the portal will open. Ancient magic will take her to me," she says.

  "Why can't you just find her?" I ask.

  "I can’t risk being in your world long, my soldiers will only stay a day to win the war. Fray do not belong in the human world, and half children are rare gifts," she tells me.

  "Do you believe in the goddesses?" I ask.

  "Not yours. We have our own," she replies, she looks up to the sky and then lowers her creepy, yellow eyes on me.

  "Why do you want the child?" I ask. I can’t send any child to someone if they plan to hurt her. Not that I have a clue if Lily is lying to me as she replies.

  "She is royalty. There is little of the Royal fray left," she answers. I watch her closely, but she looks like she’s being honest. I feel my back warming up, like it’s burning.

  "Make the promise, your mates are calling," she says.

  "I promise," I say, and feel a snap around my wrists like shackles. When I look at my wrists, there are two white lilies in the middle of both of them.

  "I promise my side. Thank you, queen Winter," she says.

  "You never told me your full name."

  "Queen Lily. Queen of all the fray," she says, and my eyes widen. She is a queen here.

  “One more thing, queen Winter, the portal to the demon dimension must be closed with the king on the other side. The only way to close it is a death. Not just any death, only one with goddess’s blood may close the portal. I am truly sorry.” She lowers her head to me. Does that mean I will have to die?

  “No,” I shake my head; no one can die to close the portal anyway, it’s in the middle of the vampire castle. How would I even get close enough?

  “Her saviour will die when the choice is made,” Lily says gently as I feel myself falling.

  I blink my eyes as I open them, I'm lying on top of Atti, and he’s gently snoring.

  "Atti," I whisper, wondering how long I fell asleep for this time. The last time was two weeks. Lily’s final words come rushing back to me. The prophecy said my saviour would die and someone has to die to close the portal. Only I have goddess blood, so surely, I would die?

  Who the hell is my saviour?

  In a way, I’ve been saved by a lot of people I care about. I won’t let any of them die for me, no way in hell. I'll send my grandfather back to the demon dimension myself and make that choice. It’s me that has to pay the price; it was me that opened the portal in the first place. My heart tightens at the thought, but what choice do I have?

  "You’re awake, thank god." Atti says, and sits up with me. He kisses me gently.

  "What the hell is this?" he asks when he sees my wrists. I glance down and see the Lily marks on both my wrists. The dream was real, and it snaps to me what I’ve done and the choices I have to make in the future.

  "I made a promise with the Fray queen. She will send help when we need it. I have to send someone to her, a child that is half-Fray. Lily said a portal will open when I touch the child," I tell him. His eyes widen, and he shakes his head.

  “I don’t know anything about Fray, but how can we know to trust a promise from her?” he asks.

  "You shouldn't make a promise with Fray," Jaxson says coming into the room. He sits next to Atti and me. I turn slightly to look at him as he takes my hand in his warm one.

  "What do you mean?" I ask.

  "I don't know, lass, but Lucinda talks to plants remember?" he asks, and I nod. I once saw Lucinda on pack lands, with both her hands on a tree and she was glowing slightly yellow. Jaxson was with me and explained about her power to talk to trees and most plants. I was shocked that they spoke at all, I know after everything I’ve seen I shouldn’t be shocked but I was. It was only a few weeks later that the jewel trees sang with me. Weird shit happens.

  "I told her you had been dream-calling a Fray, and that's what the plants told her when she asked them for me. Not to make a promise with a Fray," he says, and a cold sweat fills me. That can’t be a good sign. Why do I feel like I’ve just made a huge mistake?

  "I made one with the queen," I say quietly. Jaxson looks up at the ceiling, his jaw ticking and his grip on my hand tightens.

  "We will work it out,” Jaxson finally says.

  “The last fight is today,” Atti says.

  "I don't even remember going to bed, we were dancing at the summer solstice and then . . .” I drift off when I realise I don't have a clue what happened. I vaguely remember the queen's friend speaking to me about the fight, and then that’s it.

  "Then you were poisoned," Jaxson finishes, and I can't remember it. Is that why I feel so tired? I felt tired before I went to fairyland, but now every part of my body is aching like I’ve been working out with Leigha for a week.

  "The grape juice had poison in it, only yours. Dabriel saved you," Atti says. His voice is tense and full of anger. I bet the guys had to stop him from killing someone for poisoning me.

  "Where is he, so I can thank him?" I ask.

  "With Wyatt at the castle. A few vampires were attacked last night by demons in the next town. They just walked into the bar and went straight for them. The humans ran away, and there were only ten demons, but everyone has been called to the castle. Dabriel needs to heal them. They lost five vampires. Only three survived and just barely. They said the demons were too strong," Jaxson says, and I know why I feel so worried and sad. I'm picking up on Wyatt’s emotions even from this distance away.

  "Oh no," I say quietly.

  "You need to eat and get ready; I'm here to be a snack. I’m the only one you haven't fed on, and you need any help you can get in the fight," Atti says.

  Jaxson stands. "I’ll get you some normal food, too, have fun," he smirks at my shocked face and walks out.

  "You sure?" I ask as I look at Atti, and he laughs. Atti pulls me onto his lap and turns his head to the side.

  "Are you kidding me? I've been fucking waiting for this for months," he says, and I laugh. My laughter drifts off as I smell him. He smells so sweet, and I'm powerless to stop myself as I bite into his neck. He tastes better than anything I could think of, and he groans, pulling me closer with every second. I moan when Atti's hand slides down my stomach and even lower to my core, as I feed on him. The pressure is crazy, and I let him take me over the edge as he slowly moves his hand against me. When I stop and pull away, he removes his hand and smiles at me. I wipe the little bit of blood off my lips as he watches. It used to freak me out, drinking blood, but it doesn’t anymore.

  "Winter, all I want to do is lie you down and make love to you," he says making me turn bright red. I’m such a dork.

  "I want that too, I feel incomplete without you," I tell him honestly.

  "Soon," he whispers and kisses me.

  We eventually leave the bedroom, and I shower. I find my leather outfit and my daggers folded up with a chocolate bar on top of them. That has Alex all over it, and it makes me smile. I decide to plait my hair into the same bun
as last time.

  When I'm all dressed I come down the stairs and nearly walk into Jaxson’s back when I see Esta by the door.

  "What the bloody hell is she doing here?" I ask a little harshly. Esta is dressed to fight, wearing tight, black leggings and a short leather top that looks like it’s trying to replace her skin. There are guns strapped to her arms and thighs. She also has a large, silver sword on her back. Jaxson told me that a lot of supernaturals don’t use guns because the bullets are so small and only a tiny amount of silver. The only good thing is that if you fire enough, it will slow them down and give you time to make a final kill with a sword or something else. Esta doesn't bother looking at me as she speaks.

  "I may not like you, my queen, but I have amends to make. Anna is a sister to me and begged me to help you. Katy is too young and Lucinda too old, so here I am; I have the power to move extremely fast, so fast you can’t see me. I will help you in the fight for Anna, but I can’t shift. I can’t move as fast as a wolf, and it’s useless to you anyway," she says, and I turn to look at Jaxson.

  "If I could help you I would," he says quickly, and hands me a plate with a sandwich on it. I eat it quickly.

  "I don’t know, you are a big enough girl to maybe trick the queen into letting you fight," Atti says, and Jaxson turns to glare at him.

  "Fucking asshole," Jaxson says, and Atti laughs.

  "You have us confused, bro," he says, and I snort a little in laughter. Atti isn’t wrong. Leigha comes into the room, dressed like a leather-loving, warrior princess. Two swords on her back and a load of daggers all over her outfit.

  It's a wonder how she doesn't manage to stab herself when she sits down or hell, just moves.

  I would.

  "Time to leave," she says, and I look over at Atti. It’s time to win this for him.

  Chapter 26


  Leigha and Esta are standing on either sides of me as we face the empty queen’s stand. When we first got here, the crowds of witches were going crazy. Screaming my name and Taliana's into the slightly cold air. I glance up just as a few snowflakes fall from the sky.

  It’s been a long time with us just standing here waiting. Leigha is tapping her foot, and my guys are sending me worried glances. The large, metal gate slowly opens, creaking as it does.

  The queen walks out like she hasn’t got a care in the world. She is dressed in a long, black dress; it sticks to her small body as she moves and has two massive slits on the side. I guess it’s for easy movement. The main difference is that she has the black crown on her head. I haven’t seen it since the first day, and its power calls to me. Taliana looks paler than she usually does. I wonder why she doesn’t wear the crown all the time. It’s so powerful–like Jaxson’s and the vampire king’s that I’ve seen. The two witches I usually see with her are at her side, walking close to her under their large cloaks. I haven’t discussed it with the guys, but I knew she would fight me. Dabriel couldn’t have seen anything, as he would have told the others or me. The guys wouldn’t want me fighting her, but this is personal for her. She wants Atti. I’m the only thing in her way of taking Atti and the throne. She will get everything she has ever wanted, and I bet she doesn’t want to risk me winning this fight. Taliana stops around five feet in front us, the two witches at her sides undo their cloaks and let them all fall to the ground. I guess it’s three against three. At least the odds are fair.

  "Let the best queen win," Taliana says, and she flashes straight in front of me. She throws a punch straight into my face, but I’m trained enough to duck. Thank god for my power as a blue wave slams out of me and straight into her. I watch her fly across the stadium and hit the wall hard by the gate.

  No one is taking Atti from me.

  My hands glow blue as I walk towards her, she stands up and flashes again, this time I don't see her as she appears at my side and slams a kick into my stomach. I fly across the arena and hit my side as I land on the dusty ground.

  Air leaves my chest as she raises her hand, and a cold wave of wind pushes into me. I roll onto the ground, dust getting into my mouth and mixing with my blood. I hear a loud scream and turn to see Leigha just as she kills the light witch by shoving a dagger into her throat. I stand up a little shakily as my eyes meet Leigha’s, and she drops the witches’ body and runs towards me.

  "No!" The queen screams in anger and flashes to me again, this time behind me, her hand slides over my mouth as her arm holds me tightly. I feel like I’m drowning, water filling my lungs.

  “Winter,” Atti shouts in my head, seconds before Taliana’s hand is removed, and I fall to the ground. I cough up the water after falling to my knees. I turn to see Leigha fighting with the queen, both of them just as good as the other, as they throw hit after hit.

  “Bye, wolfy,” I hear near me and snap my head over to see Esta fall to the ground. Her stomach ripped open and blood is everywhere. Her eyes meet mine, and I know she can’t heal from this. An uncontrollable anger fills me when I see the witch standing over her. The dark witch turns to me with a smirk and raises her arms. I pull a dagger out of my belt and rush over, the witch cracks the earth I’m running on, and I see her dark-grey eyes glowing. Unfortunately for her, I just jump over the crack and kick her chest as hard as I can as I land. She falls backwards onto the ground. I follow, not feeling my feet on the ground as I walk slowly to her, seeing only my revenge. The fear in her eyes is clear as she watches me.

  “My pack,” I say, my voice louder than before, and it echoes around the silent arena. I don’t think about the witch who pleads for her life as I slam my dagger into her heart. I watch the life leave her eyes before I turn and run to Esta. I pull her head into my lap, and she gazes up at me, blood is pouring out of her mouth. I can hear Leigha fighting with Taliana in the background. I have to give Esta these last moments; no one deserves to die alone.

  “Ask the goddess to forgive me,” she coughs out. I barely understand her words.

  “Why?” I say quietly to her.

  “It was me; I killed Fergus and let the vampires in. I wanted them to kill you, and then I would have Jaxson as my mate. I love him,” she says. I watch in shock as she dies in my arms. I’m not sure I know how to give her the forgiveness she wanted now that she is dead. Her blood feels warm against my hands as I hold her, and yet, she feels empty. Anna would hate her for this.

  “I forgive you, and your life was payment for that mistake,” I say, and look up to catch Jaxson’s eyes across the arena. I know he heard every word by the angry look he’s giving me. I don’t think he’s angry with me, but with Esta. I can’t believe she did it. I let her body fall gently to the ground and glance over at Leigha as she fights Taliana. I’ve had enough.

  I’m covered in blood as I walk over to both of them, my hands glowing, and my power rising. Taliana gets the best of Leigha when she sends a blast of wind at her. Leigha flies across the arena. Taliana flashes to me. Just when she reappears in front of me, I pull for my power. It comes out in a wave as she grabs my arm, this time we both go flying together. She slams into the wall, my body driving hers further into the wall, as her grip on my arm loosens enough for me to pull away.

  I wipe the blood off my lip, standing at the same time she does. She smirks before throwing a stream of fire at me. With no time to save myself, and being so close to her, the blue fire consumes me.

  "No!" I hear Atti scream in my mind. The ground shakes, and I have no doubt that it’s Jaxson’s power. The fire doesn’t hurt my skin; in fact, it feels good.

  I walk forward, my clothes burning away as I pull the dagger out of my belt and hold it at my side. The handle is burning hot but doesn’t hurt anymore. This must be what I got from Atti. I can’t see the queen, but I don’t need to. I know she’s close to me, I can see her hand. I throw the dagger, and the fire disappears.

  The crowd is silent as they watch their dark queen hold a hand over the dagger in her heart.

  Taliana dies, my silver eyes reflecting back a
t me in her own dark ones, and the crown rolls off her head as she falls. I look at her dead body, feeling a little sadness. I didn’t want to have to kill her, but there wasn’t much choice. When did I become this person that just killed two people and didn’t feel anything doing it?

  I glance over as Atti appears next to me, he wraps his cloak around my naked body, which I’m suddenly very grateful for. I don’t know how I forgot I’m naked. Bloody hell, Alex is going to love this story if I don’t tell her the whole part about me nearly getting killed. I glance at Atti, knowing I would do anything for him. I would do anything for any of my men. I reach down and pick the crown up, feeling its power rush over me. That’s why Taliana was so powerful; it’s the crown.

  Atti keeps his hand on my back as I turn in his arms; I lift the crown with both my glowing blue hands.

  "My king," I say loudly, and the witches cheer, their support shouted in our minds and the sound of their clapping hands.

  Atti lowers his head, and I put the crown on his head. He straightens up and winks at me.

  King Atticus Lynx of the witches has finally taken his rightful place.

  Chapter 27


  "Does it feel weird to be king?" Winter asks as we sit in the high council rooms together. The council rooms take over the entire bottom floor of the castle; it's where all witches can come to have their grievances heard and where we enforce our laws. Our laws are not that different from human ones, and witches rarely break them. The room we are sitting in now has a long, gold table; our seats are in the middle. The rest of the council sits on our sides, four light witches and four dark witches. The room is split like that also, with half the walls white and the other half black. The floor is the same with a gold line in the middle leading up to our seats. The witches have always been divided, but things are changing. I’ll make them. Mags and Jewels were happy to get back to the castle; it’s much bigger for them, and they like the massive waterfall in the royal garden. They drink out of it like it’s their personal water bowl; it used to drive my mother crazy. The council all stare at us with worry and fear. They all rushed to put together a meeting the second Winter put the crown on my head. The power from the crown floats through me, making me feel like I can do anything with it on my head. It’s fucking strong.