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Save the Sea Page 12

  “This one found me, actually. She was in my bed, and I checked with Zack about her. He thinks she is a runt of the litter as she is so much smaller than the other kittens.”

  “Oh no,” I say, feeling sorry for the little one.

  “I’ve been feeding her milk and keeping her in my room. Dante and Zack helped me get her a suitable box and food,” she says, stroking the tiny kitten’s head. I smile at her, knowing she has found a friend for life with her new cat.

  “Did you decide a name for her?”

  “Nala, it means sweet, which I think suits her,” she says and stands up. “I’m going to take her back to my room and keep her warm.”

  “Is that Thron?” I ask, pointing at the massive island that we are passing by. It is covered in mountains that reach towards the skies and sandy beaches with a few ships pulled up to them.

  “Yes. One day, we will come here, and I will show you my favourite beach. The water is so warm, the sand is the perfect to build castles, and there are little caves filled with gems we could explore. It’s one of my favourites of all the islands,” he tells me.

  “That sounds perfect, so perfect, pretty boy,” I whisper, resting my head against his chest, hearing his calm heartbeat as I watch the island.


  Chapter Twenty


  “How long until we get to the castle? Or at least near it?” I ask as I stop next to Hunter. His hands are on the wheel as he turns us to the right a little bit. I look around, not seeing anything, other than the sun shining on a few rocks and the sea for miles. How he even knows where we are is a mystery to me, but Hunter seems assured from the controlled look he gives as he looks around. I have hidden my sickness from them all so far, but I know it won’t be long until someone sees me throwing up and starts asking questions. I usually sneak out of whoever’s bed I’m in and thrown up in the toilet. The only one that has seen me was Hunter, but he hasn’t said anything, and it was only the once.

  “A day at the most,” he states, and points to the sky.

  "Someone clearly missed you,” he adds, and I follow his direction to see Vivo in the sky, just before she dives down and splashes into the water next to our ship, rocking it a little as water sprays us. I grin, wanting to call her, but she is bigger than the ship, and I don’t think she could land on board. I decide to just watch her, knowing she is near is good enough for me.

  "We must be getting close to catching up with the army, and she sensed us or something," I say. Hunter nods, watching as Vivo flies back out of the sea and into the air. She circles us for a while, before diving again and this time, coming up with a large fish in her mouth. Handy trick.

  "I saw you were sick again this morning . . . have you seen Chaz about it? Maybe he could help," Hunter asks me, and I shake my head.

  "It’s just seasickness," I say, hating the lie that slips out of my mouth so easily. It won’t be long until I can tell them all, that’s what I keep reminding myself anyway. It’s the only way to get through the day.

  "You never had sea sickness before," Hunter says and grabs my chin gently, turning my face to look at him. "What are you lying to me about, little bird?"

  "Nothing," I say, and he chuckles low, leaning closer and brushing his lips against mine.

  "I don’t believe you,” he whispers.

  "You shouldn't, but if you love me, you’ll leave it," I plead, and he frowns, letting go of my chin to stroke the back of his hand down my cheek.

  "Secrets are not something I like," he says gruffly, his eyes seeming to be fighting with the indecision of asking me or letting it go.

  "I wouldn’t keep any secret from you unless there was no choice. Please don’t ask me to tell you," I almost beg him, staring into his dark-blue eyes and feeling like I’m lost. He nods once, letting go of me to hold onto the wheel.

  "Whatever it is, I love you, anyway," he tells me, not looking at me once. I place my hand on his arm for just a second, before walking away and down the small steps to the deck. Dante and Chaz are talking, laughing accusingly as they play cards on a barrel. I see Jacob at the front of the ship, watching where we are going, I expect. My hand goes to my stomach as I watch them all, knowing I could imagine having a baby on this ship. Having a future together, a long and happy one, but I have to do something they may all hate me for. I have to do this alone. It's always been my responsibility. I walk down the steps below deck, finding my way to my room and opening the door, shutting it behind me. I wait until it’s gone dark, before grabbing the bag with the crown in, chucking it on my back, and picking up the dagger Jacob gave me.

  “Cass? Are you coming for dinner?” Chaz asks, knocking the door.

  “Yes, I will meet you all in there,” I say, knowing this is the perfect time to do what I must. They are all distracted. I slide the dagger into the side of my trousers, looking at my ring and my mark on my hand. Guilt fills me for what I have to do, but I don’t see any other way of doing this. I quickly decide to write a note, knowing I have to leave something behind, some explanation for them.

  For my pirates,

  When you know I’ve left, please don’t be mad or angry. I have to face him alone, and I have to do something so evil that I can’t have any of you at my side as I do it. Time is running out for us, and I must save what future we have left. Fight for me, for Calais with the army, and I will find you when I have killed him.

  I love you all. Your Cassandra.

  I leave the note on my bed, knowing they might hate me when they read it. But, at least they will be alive. I pull the cloak off the back of the door, putting it on and pulling up my hood. I open my door, sneaking out and looking down the corridor. I can smell Zack’s cooking, and I can hear them laughing and talking as they wait for me to come to dinner. I wish I could just go to them, but the crown on my back–the deal made with a god–reminds me that I can’t just do that. I turn around, walking up the stairs and pulling the hatch door open. I climb out, closing it behind and looking up at the sky. The sun is setting, but I know Vivo won’t be far. I run to the back of the ship, climbing on the very edge of the wood. The ship is moving quick, and the sails are up. I know once I jump, I won’t be able to get back on easily.

  “Vivo, I need you!” I shout, hoping she hears me, because there is a good chance one of my pirates did. Vivo breaks out of the skies, flying sharply towards me and landing in the sea. I lift my arms above my head and dive into the sea, knowing my dragon will save me.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  “To the castle, but stay high in the sky. He has a dragon, and we must not be seen,” I shout to Vivo as she takes us higher in the skies and away from my ship. I feel my pirates’ anger and fear slam into me through my bond. They must have found my not and realise that I’m gone. I look back at my home one more time before we hit the clouds, and place my hand on my stomach. I’m not alone and have everything to fight for. With that renewed determination, I hold on tight to Vivo, and let her fly us straight to the very place I never wanted to return. I have to do this. The king won’t expect me to be alone, for me to sneak into the castle and kill the person that gives him his power. The queen. I hold in the tears I feel at the idea of killing her, of taking an innocent soul. She doesn’t deserve this. I try not to think of anything for the next few hours, just holding onto Vivo. When she dips down, I know we must be close.

  “Land near the cliffs, and I will climb up them,” I tell her, seeing the light from the castle just under the clouds we are in. She doesn’t roar to agree with me, just drops down suddenly, using her wings to glide us around the cliff to the side that is behind the castle. The waves bash harshly against the cliff as she digs her claws into the side, causing me to nearly fall off her. I spot the small ledge to my left, which is clearly where she wants me to climb off.

  “Go, my friend, my dragon. You must go now, and thank you,” I tell her, hearing her almost purr as I climb off and jump onto the ledge, my a
rms scraping across the stone. Vivo stares at me, only for a moment, but I know a stare of love when I see one. I never did before meeting my pirates and her, but I do now. She jumps off the cliff, diving into the sea. The moon and the lights from the castle provide the only light in the dark night, as I walk to the edge of the cliff and start climbing up. My foot slips on a rock, and I almost scream as I fall a few steps, but barely manage to hold on. After taking some deep, calming breaths, I remind myself that I can do this. It’s just climbing. I keep going, even as the muscles in my arms start to burn, and my body feels exhausted. I finally get to the top, pulling myself up and looking around, thankful to see that it is empty as I crouch down. I look back over the cliff, knowing this is where I fell off. Where the sea god saved me. I doubt he would ever save me again. I stand up, running to the balcony where we escaped last time. I climb on, pressing myself against the wall as I peek into the room. It’s empty, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I walk into the room, running over to the door and pressing my ear against it, waiting for any noise.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” an older female voice says, and a woman steps out of the shadows of the balcony. A guard.

  “Pretend you didn’t see me?” I request cheekily, standing tall. Her eyes lock on mine, and she stands so very still.

  “You are Cassandra, correct?” she asks, and I nod, not seeing any point in lying to her. My mark shows who I am.

  “Is my son alive?” she asks.

  “Who is your son?” I reply.

  “Jacob,” she says his name fondly, full of worry, and it suddenly snaps into place as I look at her features.

  “You’re his mother,” I say, and she nods. “He is alive, and married to me. I wouldn’t ever ask this, not if I didn’t have any other choice. I need to get to the queen, alone.” Her eyes widen, and drift to my hand, where she can see my ring and mark.

  “Do you love my son?”

  “More than I could ever explain. He is one of my chosen,” I reply, and just as I speak, I feel the worry, fear, and anger coming from my pirates again.

  “You must stay in here for a day,” she tells me, and I shake my head, but she carries on speaking. “This room is never used, and there is a cupboard to hide you in. The army is a day away, and when they attack, the queen won’t be with the king. It is the only time I can get you to her.”

  “She will still have guards.”

  “My husband, and a few of our friends will help you. Why do you need to see the queen?” she asks, and I debate lying to her for a second, but I don’t.

  “I have to kill her,” I answer honestly, and her eyes widen before she looks away.

  “There is nothing left but a shell to kill. She is lost and lifeless, anyway. I remember her as the princess, with her princes. Do not feel guilty for putting her out of her misery,” she tells me, walking back to the balcony.

  “Sleep, you will need the rest, and that door is locked. The only way in is through the balcony, and I will stand watch,” she says, leaving me alone. I walk over to the sofa and lie down, pulling out my dagger to hold against my chest. I roll on my side, so I can keep the crown at my back, keeping it safe. I want to reassure my pirates, tell them I’m safe, but my bond doesn’t let me. I drift off, with my only thoughts of my pirates to keep the nightmares away.


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I finish reading Cassandra’s note, and throw it back at Chaz who found it, unable to keep looking at the same words over and over.

  “She left, and she is going to do this alone. How could she?” I exclaim, slamming my hand on the desk. All the others stare at me; her pirates, Hunter, Jacob, Chaz, Dante, and Zack. None of them have anything to say, and all of us are just as furious.

  “Who knew getting her that damn dragon was a bad idea?” Hunter says, rubbing his face with his hand.

  “We all did,” I say dryly and look down at the map. We should catch up with the army in a day, and be at the castle by tomorrow night, but we won’t be able to help her. Not when her dragon will get her there in only a few hours.

  “I knew she was keeping secrets, but not what.”

  “Get Everly in here now, if anyone knows anything, it’s her!” I growl out, and Zack is the one that leaves the room. Everyone is silent as we wait for Everly to come here, and tell us what secret Cassandra is hiding from us. I want to be mad at her, angry, but I can’t, simply because it would be something I would do in her position. She went to protect us, but it should be all of us that protect her. I look around at my friends, my brother, and see only the triangle mark on her forehead. It reminds me that the sea god will be watching over her. She isn’t a normal girl, and I should have guessed her stubbornness would make her do something like this.

  “You called?” Everly asks after opening the door and walking in with Zack following.

  “What is Cassandra hiding?” I ask her straight away, not wanting to skirt around the bush.

  “Why don’t you ask your wife yourself?” she suggests dryly, holding her hands on her hips.

  “Cassandra left and is flying Vivo to the castle,” Jacob tells her, and I watch her visibly shocked and worried expression.

  “What?” she asks, shaking her head.

  “You don’t know anything, do you?” I say, walking past her, out of the captain’s room and up the steps. I walk straight towards the wheel, leaning against it as I take in the stars, the small islands in the distance, and the silence of the night. There is nothing but the sound of the ship crashing against the water, and the sound of the cold wind pushing the sails.

  “I know we have never spoken, and you may not even be listening, but I want to tell you something, Sea God,” I say, feeling strange about talking to a god I never believed in. At least I didn’t until I saw Cassandra survive falling off a huge cliff and crashing into the sea. “You will protect her, and keep her safe from the danger she is in. I’m not asking you to protect her for me, I’m asking you to protect her because she deserves it. If anyone in this god damn evil world deserves a god’s protection, it is her.” My words seem to get lost in the sound of the waves, not that I expected an answer. I know she can feel what I do through our bond, but I cannot feel her. I only know she is alive from the bond, but not her emotions.

  “She will be safe,” I hear a voice whisper, the voice deep, but sounding like it is spoken from the waves. “But you must be quick.” The voice disappears, but his warning echoes in my mind. I run down the steps, across the deck, and slamming open the cabin door. Everyone stops talking, turning sharply to me.

  “We need to throw everything heavy off this ship. We need to be faster,” I demand, and Hunter raises an eyebrow at me. “Wake everyone up, that’s an order. Our wife needs us, and we must bring the war.”

  “Aye, captain,” Dante says with a grin, getting up and grabbing the box he was sitting on. “Everything?”

  “Nothing on this ship is more important than Cassandra, so everything. Someone help me with this table, and someone else get rid of the cannons. We won’t need the ship when we get there,” I say, and they don’t pause as they all get up and start carrying things out of the room. Hold on for us, our stubborn little pirate.


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I blink my eyes open. My body feels weightless, and I realize I'm floating in warm, still water. My arms are stretched out, and I sit up, seeing the white dress I’m wearing spread out around me in the crystal-blue water. I look around, spotting the sea god sitting on the edge of the pool, his golden hair waving in the breeze. There is nothing else to see, just the cave walls. I swim over, pulling myself out the deep pool and sitting down next to him. The sea god has his eyes closed, his hands folded on his lap as he faces a cave wall.

  “It feels like a long time since you have come into my dreams,” I muse, and he opens his eyes, not looking at me as he speaks.

  “It is the last time. You will die, or
live without the help of gods very soon,” he explains to me.

  “Why did you bring me here?” I ask, ignoring the fact he said I could die. Not very reassuring.

  “To say goodbye,” he says, and he must feel my shock. “Can gods not have feelings, Cassandra?”

  “Do you?” I question him.

  “Yes. I love all the children I bless. I love all my own children, but it does not mean I can protect them,” he says.

  “You have children?” I ask.

  “Another story for another day, perhaps?”

  “But we will not speak again.”

  “No, we will not,” he comments and looks at me, his eyes glowing a light-blue as he places his hand on my shoulder, but his eyes go to my stomach.

  “This is your future, and when you save yourself, you will also save everyone else,” he tells me.

  “What if I die? What if I can’t do this?” I ask, holding a protective hand over my stomach.

  “Then everyone dies. The world ends, and only the gods will walk on Calais, but I believe in you,” he says, leaning closer and kissing my forehead, right on my mark as everything drifts away into darkness.

  “Wake up, Cassandra!” Someone shakes my shoulder as they whisper the words frantically to me. I blink my eyes open, putting my hand over the dagger and seeing Jacob’s mother standing over me. She straightens as I sit up, putting the bag on my lap. I open it up, pulling the crown out, just as I hear the sound of cannons, screams, and dragons roaring, but they are lost in the distance as the power of the crown overwhelms me. I have to shake my head, gaining some kind of control.